The Foot Function Index

The Foot Function Index (FFI) is a self-report questionnaire or assessment tool used to evaluate the functional status and impact of foot-related conditions on a person’s daily life. It helps healthcare professionals and researchers assess the severity of foot problems, track changes over time, and monitor the effectiveness of treatments or interventions.

The FFI consists of three subscales or sections:

  1. Foot Pain (FFI-Pain): This section assesses the severity and impact of foot pain on a person’s daily activities. It includes questions related to the location, intensity, and frequency of foot pain, as well as how pain affects activities like walking, standing, and participating in sports or recreational activities.
  2. Foot Function (FFI-Function): This section focuses on the functional limitations caused by foot problems. It includes questions about a person’s ability to perform various activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, and participating in social and recreational activities, while considering the presence of foot issues.
  3. Foot-Related Health (FFI-Health): This section evaluates the impact of foot problems on overall health and well-being. It may include questions about emotional and psychological aspects related to foot conditions, as well as overall satisfaction with foot health.

The FFI is usually administered in the form of a self-administered questionnaire, and patients are asked to rate their responses on a scale (e.g., 0 to 100), with higher scores indicating greater functional limitations and more severe symptoms. Healthcare professionals can use the FFI to assess the impact of foot conditions on a patient’s quality of life and to guide treatment decisions. It is particularly useful in clinical settings for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, and other foot-related issues