
Gout is among those historic conditions as there are quite a few mentions of it in earlier books, at least since ancient times. The historical stereotype of gout is that it is associated with the upper classes whom overindulge in alcoholic beverages and certain foods. This representation was represented in early art work showing people who have gout. Gout has stopped being regarded a disease of over consumption, as a result of current research showing an important inherited component to it.

Gout can be a distressing inflammation related condition that primarily affects the joints, typically the great toe joint with the feet. It is due to uric acid crystals being placed into the joints in the event the blood uric acid levels are generally increased. The uric acid originates from the break down of purines which come from the eating of foods such as venison, fish, tuna fish, haddock, sardines, anchovies, mussels, herring and alcohol. It is possible to observe how that traditional stereotype was built based on the over consumption of the upper classes in those sorts of food and alcoholic beverages. The actual issue is certainly not the quantity of those foods that are ingested, but the genetics of the biochemical pathway that breaks the purines in those foods into the uric acid and how the body deals with the process.

While diet is still essential in the management of gout and minimizing the volume of foods that have the purines with them continues to be deemed vital, however it is becoming clear lately this just isn’t adequate on its own and virtually all those who have gout will most likely require drug management. It goes without saying that prescription medication is going to be necessary for pain alleviation throughout an acute attack. The acute phase of gout is extremely painful. In the long run there are two types of prescription drugs which they can use for gouty arthritis. One type of medicine block chemicals in the pathway which splits the purines into uric acid, which simply indicates you will see a smaller amount uric acid in the blood stream that could find its way in to the joints to result in an acute episode of gout or lead to the long-term gout. And the second primary kind of drug is one which helps the kidneys expel much more uric acid. This may also reduce the uric acid in the bloodstream. Generally, only one of these medications is perhaps all that’s needed, but once in a while both of them are required to be made use of at the same time. Since these drugs are generally rather successful, that does not imply that the lifestyle and diet changes may be pushed aside. Local methods, for example wearing good fitting footwear if the great toe joint gets too painful is extremely important. Also ice packs in an acute episode may also help with the pain alleviation.

Many of these issues on gout were reviewed in great detail during a recent edition of the podiatry livestream, PodChatLive. For this show the hosts talked with the podiatrist, academic and researcher, Keith Rome who has substantial knowledge of gout with many publications on the subject. Podiatrists have a significant role to help deal with gout.