Burning Feet

Burning feet are a common condition and hard to reach the bottom of and hard to deal with as it can frequently not necessarily be obvious how you get it. The burning feet syndrome is generally described by a strange sensation of burning and heaviness occurring from the legs and feet. In the past, it was first described by Grierson in 1826 who was the first to record the signs and symptoms of burning feet. A more comprehensive description was written about by by Gopalan in 1946, so for a while the burning feet syndrome has also been referred to as Grierson-Gopalan syndrome.

You can find typically simply no particular aetiology or reason for burning feet syndrome and the cause is frequently idiopathic or unknown. It is usually linked to nutritional or endocrine causes such as a vitamin B deficiency, the painful neuropathy that develops in diabetes mellitus, in individuals with renal failure especially if on renal dialysis, or in hypothyroidism. It is more prevalent in individuals over the age of 50 years however it might and does occur at all ages. The signs and symptoms are generally characterised by a burning sensation, a heaviness, a numbness or a dull ache that occurs primarily in the foot. In most cases it is only on the bottom of the feet but might go up to affect the dorsum of the feet, ankles or on the lower legs occasionally. The forearms and palms of the hands are typically not impacted, but when they may be, then this has to be investigated further. Sometimes individuals could complain of ‘pins and needles’ or prickling kind of feeling in the feet and legs. Usually, the symptoms are even worse at night and they are somewhat better during the day time. Also, they are not made worse with additional amounts of activity or standing which will suggest an orthopaedic disorder instead of the neural involvement in burning foot syndrome. Assessment of your feet and legs by a doctor normally locates no objective signs or symptoms. A range of investigations, especially blood tests are frequently performed to look for some of the distinct problems that may cause the problem.

The management of burning foot syndrome may either have specific measures which are aimed at the cause (eg diabetic neuropathy, pinched nerves, thyroid gland conditions) and general actions which can be useful in every case. These general methods include the wearing of open and comfortable shoes, possibly those with arch supports, as well as putting on cotton hosiery is oftentimes beneficial. Respite from the signs and symptoms might be as a result of the placing your feet in colder water for approximately 15 minutes. It is also imperative that you avoid exposing your feet to sources of heat. There are pharmacological options that include tricyclic antidepressants and membrane layer controlling chemicals (such as carbamazepine and gabapentin) that happen to be utilized in the much more significant situations. There are side affects connected with these prescription drugs, but they are important at giving reduction to the symptoms when it’s required. Even with the usage of drugs, the treating of the symptoms could be a complex and some people will should be assessed by a consultant pain facility and presented approaches to help live with the pain.

Toe Foams

The toe foams are a variety of tubular foam products which are generally utilized by podiatrists for a number of problems that can impact the large and smaller toes. The foams are made of a polyurethane foam fashioned into a tube having a cloth backing inside. The foams typically come in a larger length to allow them to be cut down into the size that is required. They also generally can be found in a number of width sizing’s so that they can be matched to the dimensions of the toe that it’s needed for. In addition they can be found in just one thickness around the complete diameter of the foam as well as a dual thickness type which has a dual thickness of foam on one side. All these toe foams do seem to be rather large, and concerns are often brought up about how precisely it could accomodate the toe and then place the foot into the shoe. Although the foams are cumbersome, they’re soft and will contract down quite a bit, so can let the foot to fit in the footwear. However, because of the softer nature of them, they will deteriorate and really do need to be replaced every so often. You can find significantly less cumbersome options to the toe foams such as the silicon tubular pads, however the edge that the toe foams have is they will breath and let the air to move between your toes, that has hygiene ramifications. Using the silicon kind of pads, they don’t allow that air to pass.

They are widely used, for example, after having a corn in between the toes has been removed by a foot doctor. A corn among the toes is usually as a result of too much pressure in between the toes, possibly from using footwear which can be too tight. This elevated pressure causes your skin to become thicker and the corn builds up. A podiatrist can be very good at eliminating the corn, but if the pressure which induces the corn to begin with (ie the tight footwear) are still there, then there is a strong possibility that the corn will almost certainly return. A great way to help that is to make use of one of the toe foams about one of the toes and that should benefit the pressure in between the toes. The dual thickness types are typically used here with all the dual thickness going in between the toes. These types of toe foams will also be great for blisters. Blisters are caused by chaffing, therefore can develop to the toes with friction between the shoe and the toe. When the toe can be surrounded by a toe foam, then this foam will soak up that friction and it is not moved to your skin. This is very useful in treating as well as protecting against blisters over the toes. These foams can also be helpful with hygiene conditions in between the toes, especially with the accumulation of things similar to toe jam. The foam can separate the toes and enable air to pass and in addition they will also help absorb the accumulation of moisture which will help prevent its accumulation.

Fat Fad Atrophy

Fat pad atrophy in the foot refers to the thinning or degeneration of the fat pad that is located beneath the heel or the ball of the foot. This fat pad is a natural cushioning structure that helps protect the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot from excessive pressure and impact during walking, running, and other weight-bearing activities. It is responsible for cushioning and shock absorption. When the fat pad undergoes atrophy, it loses its volume and becomes thinner, so looses it ability to cushion and protect the foot.

This atrophy of the plantar fat pad can lead to a of symptoms and increase the risk for several foot conditions:

Pain: The reduced cushioning ability of the fat pad can result in pain and discomfort. The pain may be localized to the affected area, such as the heel or the ball of the foot.

Heel Pad Syndrome: Fat pad atrophy in the heel area can cause a condition known as heel pad syndrome or thinning of the heel pad. This can lead to heel pain, especially when walking or standing for long periods.

Metatarsalgia: Metatarsalgia refers to pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot. Fat pad atrophy in this area can contribute to increased pressure on the metatarsal heads, leading to discomfort and pain.

Several factors can contribute to fat pad atrophy, including aging, repetitive trauma or stress to the foot, excessive weight bearing, certain medical conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis), and prolonged use of high-heeled shoes or inadequate footwear. The symptoms will be worse if standing all day on a hard floor at work.

Treatment options for fat pad atrophy aim to alleviate symptoms and provide cushioning and support to the affected area. These may include:

Padding and Orthotic Devices: The use of specialized shoe inserts or orthotic devices can help provide additional cushioning and support to compensate for the reduced fat pad. These devices may include gel pads, silicone inserts, or custom orthotics prescribed by a podiatrist.

Footwear Modifications: Wearing shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and a wider toe box can help reduce pressure on the affected areas and provide relief.

Physical Therapy: Specific stretching and strengthening exercises can be beneficial in relieving symptoms associated with fat pad atrophy. Physical therapy may also include modalities such as ultrasound or low-level laser therapy to promote tissue healing.

Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the load and pressure on the feet, potentially alleviating symptoms.

In severe cases where conservative measures do not provide sufficient relief, surgical options such as fat grafting or heel pad augmentation may be considered to restore the cushioning and support in the affected areas.

Forum Threads on Fat Pad Atrophy:

heel pad atrophy HELP
Treatment in atrophy of the fat pad
Can fat pad atrophy be reversed?

Recent Research on Fat Pad Atrophy:

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